
How ScholarMind works

Upload your document

Our enhanced language model will extract the raw data from the PDF. This includes extracting headings, paragraphs, bullet points, and other textual elements.

Extract & Cleanse

Once the raw data has been extracted from the document, ScholarMind removes any unwanted or irrelevant elements and prepares the text for further analysis and processing.

For example, if the text contains HTML tags, XML tags, or other forms of markup, they are removed to extract the actual text content.

Split text into smaller units

Our model then uses a character-text splitter, a function that is used to split text into smaller units or segments based on certain criteria. ScholarMind splits the text into groups of 10 sentences.

Ask a question, and get a relevant answer

Our AI system utilizes advanced techniques to understand the meaning of your question, taking into account its semantics and context. It then compares it with the text extracted from the document. Through this cross-checking process, the system identifies the most relevant answer within the document. Once the answer is found, the AI system carefully considers its surrounding context to ensure a comprehensive and accurate response.

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